The members of the Tunisian National Committee for Organizing the Tokyo Conference for African Development “TICAD 8” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today, Wednesday, August 17, 2022, during a press conference in the City of Culture in the capital, the program of official parallel events for the conference, which will start from Friday, August 19 and continue until
September 2, which was prepared jointly by public structures, civil society and the private sector.
On 1 and 2 September, the awards for the best invention will be announced at the TICAD Renewal Event in Tunisia 2022

Committee members indicated that there are other parallel activities that will continue until September 30, 2022, to be supervised by African and Japanese officials.
The full program will be published starting today on the official website of the summit: WWW.TICAD 8.TN

On 1 and 2 September, the TICAD Renewal Tunisia 2022 event will be organized, during which an international exhibition of innovation, research and invention, two national debate awards ceremonies for the best invention, and the World Invention and Scientific Research Cup 2022 will be organized jointly by the Agency for the Promotion and Renewal and the American Invention, Development and Investment Authority.
In the Middle East and North Africa

Counselor Sami Al-Tamimi
Sawsan Mabrouk
General coordinator

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